Patrol Leaders Council (PLC)

Roles and Responsibilities


  • What is the PLC?

  • Who is in the PLC?

  • Why do we have a PLC?

  • When are PLCs scheduled?

  • What is Leadership?

  • What is the importance of good leadership in the Troop?

  • What is the role and expectations of the PLC?

What is the PLC?

  • The goal of the PLC is simple – the PLC is responsible for planning and conducting the Troop's activities.

  • Good Scout Troops are run by the Scouts

  • PLC is the means to do that.

  • Opportunity to learn about leadership – not by reading, but by practicing.

Who is in the PLC?

  • All individuals in leadership positions are voting members:

  • Senior Patrol Leader – Leads the PLC.

  • Assistant Senior Patrol Leader – Fills in for the SPL in his absence.

  • Patrol Leaders – Represents his patrol on the PLC.

  • Assistant Patrol Leaders – Fills in for the Patrol Leaders in their absence.

  • Troop Guide – Assists the Patrol Leader from the Baden Powell patrol.

  • Troop Scribe – Prepares agenda, takes minutes, completes Troop Meeting Plans.

  • Quartermaster - Reports on Troop supplies and equipment.

  • Historian – Reports on past Troop activities. Assists the Troop Scribe.

  • Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters – Advisors.

  • Junior Assistant Scoutmasters – Advisors.

Why do we have a PLC?

  • Plan Troop activities.

  • Keep the Troop focused on its schedule and goals. Always plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

  • By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. - Benjamin Franklin

    When are PLCs scheduled?

  • We can have them anytime that the PLC suggests.

  • Currently scheduled on the first Tuesday of the month.

  • Normally need to schedule to allow enough time to plan for at least one month ahead.

    What is Leadership? What is the importance of Leadership?

  • Great organizations have great leadership.

  • Scout Troops are no exception.

  • You will get out of an organization what you’re willing to put into it, and leadership is the key to making the organization a success.

  • A failed organization results from a failure of leadership, not a failure of the members of the organization.

  • The following are a few quotes about leadership from successful leaders:

    o Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.--Dwight D. Eisenhower

    o Leaders aren't born, they are made - Vince Lombardi

    o Leaders come in many forms, with many styles and diverse qualities. There are quiet leaders and leaders one can hear in the next county. Some find strength in eloquence, some in judgment, some in courage.--John W. Gardner

    o It is not fair to ask of others what you are unwilling to do yourself - Anna Eleanor Roosevelt o A boss creates fear, a leader confidence. A boss fixes blame, a leader corrects mistakes. A boss knows all, a leader asks questions. A boss makes work drudgery, a leader makes it interesting. A boss is interested in himself or herself, a leader is interested in the group.--Russell H. Ewing

    o No person can be a great leader unless he takes genuine joy in the successes of those under him.--W. H. Auden

    o Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.--Sam Walton

    Role and expectations of the PLC in Troop 8038G:

  • Led by the SPL.

  • Attended by all members in leadership positions.

  • Run by the rules of good meetings.

    o Have an agenda.

    o Stay focused.

    o Keep the meeting on task.

    o Accomplish the goal.

  • Goal: Planning all aspects of the activities for the month ahead.

    o Identify the activities.

    o Schedule. o Action items – things that need to be done to prepare for an activity.

  • Identify problems within the Troop.

    o Lack of advancement.

    o Issues for the adult leadership.

    o Any other perceived problems.

  • New ideas.

    o Examples: Recruiting.Scheduled events. New ideas for activities, trips, merit badges, high adventure, etc. Meeting themes Guest speakers.